I took the idea and worked it through my head for a little while, then decided that I could make it work. I used the basic design of the sheet, but made mine into half sheets to put in one of my many small binders. To make them easier to fill out, I will hole punch them at the top.
The "No HW Binder" will have 6 dividers, one for each of my classes, and a sheet for each student in the class. I'm thinking I may color-code the sheets. When a student doesn't have their HW done, they will have to fill out the binder sheet. I plan on using these to show parents at Open House (our parent/teacher conferences at the midterm).
I'm not sure how to guarantee they have filled it in, if I don't double-check them. I have so many students that don't bother to do homework, even knowing I'm going to check it!! They will see all their missing assignments every time they miss another one. I hope this helps!
Click here for my half-sheet version. Or you can click the link below to see my inspiration!
Credit: Teach-Bake-Love

But if the student then turns it in, could they also record this information (date turned in) in another column or does the Teacher record the grade in her book as documentation? Just an idea. The student or teacher could then initial somewhere on the sheet as well.